We are living a limited life in this world and we are not doing what we should actually do in life .....
i am from a middle class family and i am 22 years old now and I did my studies first in private schools, then due to lack of money, completed the rest of my studies in government schools For 6 years I was working in Himachal Pradesh but now my father has passed away And now I have to stay back in my village and I have to do all the household chores whether it is agriculture work or any relative work. Now I think it is a very difficult job to live in the village and do all the other village work. To tell me the worst thing in the village so far, everyone is nave and calm, but in reality, the people of the village are very quarrelsome and there are some good ones too, here most of the fights happen in the village because of the woman. After listening to what they say, they connect with their minds upside down, then they tell the men. It is for the same reason that there is a fight between men, not such that the woman is the cause of all the quarrels. too many men get into fights,
As I had heard from my father in the old stories, now the villagers are not like that at all. Now let's get into a fight over a small matter.
I think now people are more dishonest and greedy and very mean