Four stroke diesel engine means for heavy duty purpose.working principle is shown in figure.
➜During suction stroke. inlat valve open & exhaust valve remain closed and only air is sucked into the cylinder at below atmospheric pressure.
➜During the compression stroke,piston move BDC to TDC .both valve are remains closed.and position movet upward & compressere of the air up to 40-45 bar pressure & temperature approx 700° C , which sufficient to ignite the fuel . At end of this stroke the spray of diesel is injected into hot air which ignite the fuel instantly.
➜bring the power stroke both valve remains closed piston pushes downward due to force applied by gases produce due to burning of fuel, work is done during this stroke.
➜during the exhaust stroke exhaust valve open but inlet valve, remains closed piston moves BDC to TDC, waste gases goes out from engine cylinder.